Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why voting for the two major parties is a vote for the terrorists...

"Many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own."

ter·ror·ism   [ter-uh-riz-uhm]
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

In the last twelve years, foreign terrorists have killed roughly 3,000 US citizens. We've lost roughly 6,500 (http://icasualties.org/) in Iraq and Afghanistan.  That means that we've lost nearly twice as many people trying to exact revenge than we did in the initial attack.  In that time, several new laws have been passed here in the States that strip away our rights as defined in the constitution.  NDAA, the Patriot Act, and a handful more have begun to take the Bill of Rights apart piece by piece.  No more habeus corpus. No more right to assemble. No more right to free speech.  No more right to privacy/freedom from illegal search and seizure  All of these rights now have asterisks by them with lengthy footnotes explaining that they aren't actually rights and can be taken away for myriad reasons.

These acts, laws, and amendments have been signed by both major parties- often with bipartisan support and often over the outcries of the ACLU, the general population, and the Libertarians (not the party, the people who prefer liberty to nanny states).  Each election cycle they talk about the economy, they talk about a couple divisive but unimportant issues, then continue to slowly sell our rights as US citizens to major corporations and foreign powers.

When you vote for a Democrat or a Republican who votes on the party lines, you are voting for the terrorists.  You are voting for the very people who have forcibly taken away your freedom, who have put our citizens in harm's way, and who have continued to rule from on high rather than "of the people, by the people, for the people."

Terrorism doesn't require a bomb, just a victim.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Welcome to the party!

This is where I will spill my philosophical guts all over the intarwebs. By way of introduction, I am a normal guy.  Guns, cars, music, food, power tools, cats, bacon, poetry, dogs, home-grown veggies, sex, gadgets, electronics, civil rights, camping, hiking, weightlifting, fitness, books, and money.  At some point, they'll all grace this page.

Relax, grab a beverage, and prepare to have your mind blown.
Or at least waste some time.